
Home Remedies For Cold

Home Remedies For Cold
Home Remedies For Cold

Look at the Coronavirus. No matter what mask you wore, how many days you sat in your home locked down, how you missed your loved ones but did not dare to visit them, you got vaccinated, a booster or two. But face the truth you have gotten Corona once or twice in the past two years. These viral colds are all the same.  You are sure to catch a common cold now and then no matter how healthy you are.  Before going to the doctor’s office here are some remedies you can follow to minimize your flu symptoms to a bearable level.

Home Remedies For Cold
Home Remedies For Cold

Drink Hot Tea

Tea has a very soothing effect in the cold. It reduces throat irritation, the steam from the tea clears the nasal passage and drains the sinus blockage. Apart from it, tea also has medicinal properties. Ginger tea and green tea are rich in anti-inflammatory antioxidants. They boost up the immune system. Some teas reduce pain and relieve fever, others induce sleep. They keep our body warm, a relief from the cold feeling of fever.

Drink Broth Soups

Apart from the broth soup having a comfortable and filling effect, they are rich in protein. A potent for fighting off cold. It is a light, healthy and nourishing meal. Ideal for a sick person’s compromised digestive system.  Add some veggies and you have nutritious vitamin boosts as well. It reduces throat inflammation, loosens mucus, clears chest, and nasal blockage. It works more effectively than most commercial over-the-counter drugs.

Inhale Steam

Have a lot of steam. In fact, have it after every 2 hours if you have a bad episode of cold. Increased humidity also helps, use a room humidifier placed in the room, or take a steamy hot shower. Nebulizing with saline or with added prescribed drugs ensures that the steam goes directly into the respiratory tract and the lungs. 

Use Honey

Honey is nature’s best healer, antibiotic, immune booster. Drink honey mixed with warm water a few times a day. A spoonful of honey sprinkled with salt instantly relieves painful and swollen tonsils.

Never Underestimate The power Of Garlic

Raw garlic is a super food for your immune system. Garlic has antibacterial, antiviral, and anti-fungal properties. It has been used since ancient times to fight off colds and coughs. It helps to recover very fast, even if it is taken in a very small quantity. Take it minced with a spoon of honey. If you cannot consume raw, add it to your food. Garlic in soup and foods taste very delicious.


In the cold, you are losing water very fast. Through your respiratory system as mucus as well as through sweats when your body is trying to cool off from fever. One key point is to consume extra water to stay hydrated. Drink teas, juices, soups, or simply warm water with honey or lemon. Water also aids in loosening mucus and congestion.

Have a lot of rest and sleep

Sleep helps your body to strain less, boosts the immune system, and heals the body. Your body is so tired of fighting the virus that you naturally feel drowsy and sleepy. A good amount of rest and sleep help you recover fast. Using painkillers to ease pain and fever also helps the body rest and recover fast.

Starting early treatment makes your cold and flu have lesser intensity and shorten the duration. And home remedies are much safer and easier on our body than over-the-counter medicines and commercial antibiotics.

What do you think?

Written by CUBI Foodie

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