
Keto Diet Plan for Beginners

Keto Diet Plan for Beginners
Keto Diet Plan for Beginners

The ketogenic diet is a low-carb, high-fat diet that resembles the Atkins and low-carb diets in many ways. It necessitates a significant reduction in carbohydrate intake and a replacement with fat. As a result of the reduced carb intake, your body enters a metabolic state known as ketosis. Your body becomes incredibly efficient at burning fat for energy when this happens. It also triggers the conversion of fat in the liver to ketones, which can be used to power the brain.

What is ketosis?

Ketosis is a metabolic condition in which your body uses fat instead of carbohydrates for energy. It occurs when you restrict your carbohydrate intake to the point where your body’s glucose (sugar) availability, which is the cells’ primary source of energy, is reduced. The most effective strategy to enter ketosis is to follow a ketogenic diet. Limiting carbohydrate intake to 20 to 50 grams per day and focusing on fats such as meat, fish, eggs, nuts, and healthy oils are common examples.

Keto Diet Plan for Beginners
Keto Diet Plan for Beginners

Maintaining a proper protein intake is also essential. This is because if you consume too much protein, it will be turned to glucose, slowing down your ketosis. Intermittent fasting can also assist you in entering ketosis more quickly. The most prevalent form of intermittent fasting is limiting food consumption to roughly 8 hours each day and fasting for the remaining 16 hours. Blood, urine, and breath tests can be used to assess if you’ve entered ketosis by detecting the amount of ketones produced by your body.

Ketogenic diets can aid weight loss:

A ketogenic diet can help you lose weight while also lowering your risk of disease. In fact, evidence suggests that the ketogenic diet is equally as successful as a low-fat diet for weight loss. Furthermore, because the diet is so pleasurable, you may lose weight without calculating calories or keeping track of what you eat. Following a very low carb, ketogenic diet was much more beneficial for long-term weight loss than following a low fat diet, according to a review of 13 trials. In comparison to the low-fat diet group, the keto diet resulted in a 2 pound (0.9 kg) weight loss. It also resulted in lower diastolic blood pressure and cholesterol.

Ketogenic diets can help people with diabetes and prediabetes:

Diabetes is characterized by changes in metabolism, high blood sugar, and impaired insulin activity. Type 2 diabetes, prediabetes, and metabolic syndrome are all linked to excess fat, and the ketogenic diet can help you lose it. A prior study found that the ketogenic diet boosted insulin sensitivity by 75%. Adopting a ketogenic diet for 90 days reduced hemoglobin A1C levels, which is a measure of long-term blood sugar management, in a small trial of women with type 2 diabetes.

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Written by CUBI Foodie

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