
Sedentary Lifestyle Meaning

Sedentary Lifestyle Meaning
Sedentary Lifestyle Meaning

Those with sedentary lifestyles do very little or no physical activity, rely heavily on sitting or lying down most of the day and exert very little energy. Over the past few decades, this lifestyle has become increasingly common due to the increase in office jobs that require sitting, a longer commute, and more screen time while off work. Studies have shown that those who sit for extended periods of time have a higher risk of disease death than those who are more active during the day.

Back pain can also be caused by a sedentary lifestyle. Many employers are now encouraging employees to use standing desks, exercise in the office, and move more during the day in response to these risks.

Sedentary Lifestyle Meaning
Sedentary Lifestyle Meaning

There is an increased risk of death and illnesses in a sedentary workforce. Some of the health risks include:

  • Anxiety
  • Cardiovascular disease
  • Colon cancer
  • Depression
  • Diabetes
  • High blood pressure
  • Lipid disorders
  • Mortality
  • Obesity
  • Osteoporosis
  • Spinal disc herniation

How to Fix Sedentary Life

There was a study in 2010 that found that sitting too long is more than four hours per day. Increase the cardiovascular disease risk, diabetes, and the number of problems. Even if you are doing it, smoking will not only affect yours but the other life too. 

First, one needs to make an effort to change a sedentary lifestyle. Here are some ideas to help you get moving whether you’re working at a desk all day or just struggling to get motivated.


The damage prolonged sitting does to peripheral arteries in the legs can be reversed by taking as few as three five-minute walks during the workday. Whether you’re at work or not, you can easily start walking more. Instead of sitting at a conference table, suggest walking meetings. If you don’t have time to walk your dog after work, try walking it before or after work.

Active Hobbies

There are many options to have an active hobby such as sitting at a place and having a chat with your loved ones. You can do gardening that gives you a healthy life and makes you feel better.

Gardening requires a lot of physical effort. In addition to being mentally and spiritually stimulating, gardening can also keep people active. There are other ways to get your hands dirty if you do not have space for a garden in your backyard. Become a volunteer at a community garden if you don’t have a yard.

Consequences of a Sedentary life

The public health problem of sedentary lifestyles is growing. The prevalence of sedentary lifestyles is steadily increasing around the world, despite the health implications they pose. Those who live a sedentary lifestyle are unlikely to meet physical activity guidelines.

Government surveys in 2008 found that “adults should engage in moderate-intensity physical activity for 150 minutes a week”. The research says only 21% of adults meet the guideline for physical activity while 5% of them perform 30 min of physical activity. 

Fitness Tracker

You can use a pedometer to track your steps, which can help you gauge how active you are during the day. By assessing your level of activity, you can identify patterns or habits that may lead to an overly sedentary lifestyle. By finding opportunities to move more, you can counteract the effects of too much sitting.

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Written by CUBI Foodie

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