
2 Layer Chocolate Sponge Pudding Cake.

Chocolate Sponge Pudding Cake:

  1. In a pot, mix milk 800 ml, sugar 100g, cocoa powder 20g (mixed with water ), and agar-agar 7g put on top of low medium heat.

  2. Temper 1 egg yolk with a ladleful of the mix and stir it back into the pot.

  3. Pour it into a special mold(or even a normal rectangular mold) let it cool completely.

  4. Beat  2 egg whites into peaks, and set aside.

  5. Mix milk 400 ml, sugar 150g, agar-agar 7g, and vanilla essence 1 tsp, put on top of low medium heat until thickened a little.

  6. Temper the egg whites with 3 ladlefuls of the mix and stir it into the pot.

  7. Then quickly add the spongy layer into the mold and let it cool down in the fridge for a few hours.

    Watch Youtube Video : Chocolate Sponge Pudding Cake

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Written by Muhammad Qasim

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