
Best Peanut Chicken Salad Recipe.

Peanut Chicken Salad:

  1. Dice your chicken into small chunks and grate in red chili, garlic and ginger.

  2. Go in with your honey, soy sauce, coconut milk, and drizzle in your olive oil.

  3. Then set aside to marinate, chop your coriander, lime and cucumber into any size chunks.

  4. We’re making a creamy peanut dressing. So combine peanut butter with soy sauce whoops!

  5. Then add lime juice, coconut milk and give it a good stir.

  6. Next fry your chicken until nice and golden.And of course, give it a taste.

  7. Bash up your peanuts and chop your lettuce into chunks.

  8. Now it’s plate up time. Add your lettuce top with juicy chicken and cucumber, drizzle on some dressings, a sprinkle of crushed peanuts, chili and dig in.

    Watch Youtube Video: Peanut Chicken Salad

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Written by Muhammad Qasim

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