
Crispy Cumin Corn Fritters & Smoky Salsa.

Crispy Cumin Corn Fritters:

  1. First up, chop all your corn off the cob, then add this to a bowl, and then grate in the courgette. Add a very big pinch of salt and then mix this together.

  2. Let this sit for about 15 minutes on low flame to draw the moisture out of the vegetables. Meanwhile, you can make your burnt salsa. For this you’re just gonna burn the crap out all your vegetables or like the restaurant industry likes to call it, “charring”.

  3. Then chop it up and bash it up in a pestle and mortar.

  4. Then back to your corn mix. Season this up with some ground cumin, smoked paprika, and some plain flour you shouldn’t need to add any water here because you have that moisture.

  5. That came out of the vegetable mix this up and then fry this up into small dollops in some hot oil.

  6. It’s done.

  7. Serve this up with your salsa and enjoy.

    Watch Youtube Video: Crispy Cumin Corn Fritters

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Written by Muhammad Qasim

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