
Hong Kong French Toast Recipe.

Hong Kong French Toast:

  1. Grab some white bread, layer it with biscoff on the first slice, peanut butter on the second and finish off with another biscoff layer.

  2. Cut the crusts off to form a perfect little cube.

  3. Brush a couple of eggs add in your milk and a sprinkle of cinnamon and mix until all combined.

  4. Taking your bread cube, dip it in the egg mix on all sides. Make sure you dont soak it for too long because it’ll get too soggy.

  5. Once your oil is hot, gently lower your french toast and fry for a minutes or two on each side until it’s all nice and golden.

  6. Plate up with a knob of butter and an artistic drizzle of condensed milk.

    Watch Youtube Video: Hong Kong French Toast

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Written by Muhammad Qasim

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