
How to Make Best Feta Bake Orzo.

Best Feta Bake Orzo:

  1. Start it on the hob with some sweated red onions.

  2. Add some garlic oregano, chili sweat that down.

  3. Chuck in the pasta, add the peppers. Give it a season.Finish with tomatoes and a splash of water.

  4. Cover the lot with creamy salty, feta cheese and kalamata olives.

  5. Chuck the whole lot in the oven for about half an hour.

  6. Grab parsley dill and red onions and dress it with a big squeeze of lemon juice.

  7. Pull the orzo out of the oven.Cover with herb salad and plenty of olive oil. Get it onto a plate.

  8. Finish with a big squeeze of lemon and get stuck in.

    Watch Youtube Video: Best Feta Bake Orzo

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Written by Muhammad Qasim

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