
How to Make Caesar Chicken Salad

Caesar Chicken Salad;

  1. Tear your ciabatta into small pieces then drizzle with olive oil,salt ,sesame,seeds,black sesame seeds and bake until crisp.

  2. Get your chicken thighs in a bowl and add crispy chilli oil ,five spice,sesame oil ,salt ,pepper,grated clove of garlic.

  3. Mix it up and leave to marinate.

  4. Add your egg yolk along with your XO sauce,dijon ,grated parmesan ,lemon juice, salt and pepper.

  5. Whisk to combine then drizzle in a little sesame oil and vegetable oil,until you have a lovely creamy sauce.

  6. Heat a griddle pan  too high and cook your chicken thighs for a few minutes on each side.

  7. Until tender and charred.

  8. Rest for five minutes then slice them up.

  9. Add your little gem to a bowl along with your croutons and your dressing.

  10. Give it a good toss until it’s all combined.

  11. Drizzle with olive oil.

  12. Some more parmesan and black sesame seeds.

  13. Get ready to tuck into the best salad of your life.

    Watch Youtube Video : Caesar Chicken Salad

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Written by Muhammad Qasim

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