
How to Make Carrot Ricotta Dumplings

Carrot Ricotta Dumplings;

  1. Whisk eggs and ricotta until smooth season with salt and pepper.

  2. Boil peeled and sliced carrots until very soft.

  3. Mash (or use a food processor) until very smooth. Combine with ricotta, flour and salt and pepper.

  4. Scoop with a teaspoon and drop right into boiling water shake to loosen it off the spoon. Remove from water when they float!

  5. Saute shallot. Add butter once bubbly, add sage, thyme, chives and crushed red pepper.

  6. Add maple syrup and stock. Boil and then simmer for 20 minutes.

  7. Add baby kale, cooked dumpling and a little lemon juice.

    Watch Youtube Video: Carrot Ricotta Dumplings

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Written by Muhammad Qasim

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