
How to Make Cheesy Nduja celeriac steaks

Cheesy Nduja celeriac steaks:

  1. Peek your celeriac then chop her into four large steaks.

  2. Place them on a baking tray and drizzle with olive oil and salt.

  3. Roast until caramelized.

  4. A sharp salsa really brings this dish together.

  5. Dice up a load of jarred roasted peppers,then roughly chop some capers and parsley.

  6. Mix it all up with olive oil , sherry vinegar, salt and pepper.

  7. Sunshine in a bowl.

  8. Top your celeriac with nduja and smoked provolone .

  9. Pop them under the grill for five minutes more.

  10. Until your cherry is bubby and melted.

  11. Spoon your salsa over the steaks.

  12. Then serve it with a sharply  dressed salad.! ENJOY

    Watch Youtube Video:Cheesy Nduja celeriac steaks

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Written by Muhammad Qasim

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