
How to Make Cheesy Potato Pasta

Cheesy Potato Pasta

  1. So fry the pancetta with olive oil.

  2. Dice your onion and add it to the pan followed by the potato and the water.

  3. Let it cook down while you mince up your rosemary and your garlic, and then add those too.

  4. Cook the pasta in plenty of boiling water .Until very al dente.Drain it but keep the cooking water.

  5. Then add the pasta to the potatoes and keep cooking.

  6. Dice up your provola which is a kind of stringy cheese from campania.

  7. And then add to the pasta and stir it gently until it melts.

  8. Adjust it with a good splash of the pasta cooking water.

  9. Until you’ve got something that is thick and soupy.

  10. Put it up and then add a little bit of black pepper.

  11. And olive oil,if you like.

    Watch Youtube Video:Cheesy Potato Pasta

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Written by Muhammad Qasim

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