
How to Make Chocolate Bun

Chocolate Bun;

  1. Mix 100 ml milk by instant yeast and 32g sugar to make sure the yeast is alive.

  2. Add the yeast mix + 220g bread flour +12g milk powder +1 egg to a mixing bowl.

  3. Knead until combined and not sticky.

  4. Add 3g unsalted butter +½ tsp salt knead for 10 min.

  5. Window pan test + proof 40 min (Double in size)

  6. Divide into 16 balls (28 g each) rest 10 min.

  7. Deflate and add chocolate, wrap it tightly and seal it shut.

  8. Proof 30 min dust it with flour and bake 20-30 min 170 C.

  9. Brush away the excess flour and enjoy!
    Watch Youtube Video : Chocolate Bun

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Written by Muhammad Qasim

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