
how to Make Chorizo Chickpea Spinach Stew

Chorizo Chickpea Spinach Stew:

  1. First slice your onions, chilli,capsicunm carrots,and green onions.

  2. Add a half cup of oil and 1 tbsp flour in a pan.

  3. You cook this until it’s a deep chocolate brown. 

  4. Add then you can fly all chopped vegetables in it.

  5. Put your chorizo and then slice this thinly adding it to the roux, until the roux is stained a deep red.

  6. Season with some paprika and give it a mix.

  7. Then you’re gonna braise this with some chicken stock and pale ale ,until it’s rich and thick.

  8. Add in some chickpeas and cavolo nero.

  9. It is so hearty and delicious and it is perfect for winter.

    Watch Youtube Video: Chorizo Chickpea Spinach Stew

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Written by Muhammad Qasim

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