
How to Make Confit Duck Recipe.

  1. Now preheat your oven and season the duck legs really nicely with salt.

  2. Get the duck fat into a heavy pan, pat the duck legs dry and then submerge them in there.

  3. Get a lid on and pop it into the oven.

  4. I am using sage but rosemary is nice too, and some shallots or onions.

  5. So start with the bacon in the pan, and then add onions and a splash of water.

  6. Get the sage in, and then the beans, the stock and the mustard.

  7. Let it all cook down until it’s nice and creamy.

  8. After  a couple of hours in the oven, remove the duck and crisp up the skin in that hot pan.

  9. Plate it up on top of a nice spoon of baans and enjoy.

    Watch Youtube Video : Confit Duck Recipe.

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Written by Muhammad Qasim

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