
How to make Crunchy Lamb Filo Pie

Crunchy Lamb Filo Pie:

  1. Fry onions with oil until they become soft.

  2. Mix chillies, garlic & ginger, then add into the soft onion mixturer.

  3. Add tomato puree and cook and mix it well.

  4. Add the lamb mince and break with a well through spoon.

  5. Add chopped roasted red peppers and diced potatoes.

  6. Melt your butter and mix some water into it.

  7. Add it over the sheets and stack it up.

  8. Cover all with your lamb filling. Note: The larger and better your pastry is the crisper it will be.

  9. Pop this into the oven until it’s golden after which you slice it up.

    Watch Youtube Video:Crunchy Lamb Filo Pie

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Written by Muhammad Qasim

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