
How to Make Egg Fried Rice

Egg Fried Rice :

  1. First things first chop up your bacon into tiny little bits and do the same with the halloumi.

  2. Crack in some eggs and whisk those bad boys up.

  3. Quickly chop your garlic  up and set all of that aside.

  4. Tip your bacon in and then cook it until it’s rice and crispy.

  5. Then add your garlic, And when that’s all golden take it out.

  6. While all the oil and stuff’s still there from the bacon, whack in the halloumi and do the same to that.

  7. Finally put your eggs in.

  8. Cook these until they’re really dry,you don’t want any moisture in these things.

  9. Then add the back the halloumi, bacon and garlic and then some leftover rice from the night before or just old rice you get kicking around.

  10. Stir it up and add some sesame oil, soy sauce and a bit of mirin.Now at the end, I like to whack in a bit of honey because that combo of the saltiness of the bacon, the sweetness of the honey, just make for an incredible dish.

  11. Plate it up and garnish it with some spring onions.

  12. Enjoy !

    Watch Youtube Video : Egg Fried Rice

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Written by Muhammad Qasim

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