
How to Make Fragrant Lemongrass Mushroom Soup

Fragrant Lemongrass Mushroom Soup.

  1. Slice your spring onion whites and green.

  2. Chop your potatoes into cubes and chop your lemongrass.

  3. Get some olive oil in your saucepan and add your spring onion white.

  4. Crumble in your mushroom with your hands.

  5. No need to chop,we’ll blend it later anyway.

  6. Add your ginger ,garlic and lemongrass.And cook for another minutes or so

  7. Get some potatoes in there along with your vegetable stock and coconut milk then simmer for minutes.

  8. Until your potatoes are tender

  9. We are crisping up some mushrooms for the looping.

  10. So finely slice your mushrooms.And fry them in olive oil until golden.

  11. A stunning bowl of food! ENJOY.

  12. The crisp oil on top makes this dish.

  13. Add chilli flakes spring onion green and sliced garlic.

  14. To hot oil and gently fry until crisp.

  15. Blitz your oil and season to taste then spoon into bowls.And top with your fried mushrooms .And all those crisp bits.A stunning bowl of food.

    Watch Youtube Video:Fragrant Lemongrass Mushroom Soup

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Written by Muhammad Qasim

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