
How to Make Green Herb Frittata

Green Herb Frittata:

  1. So let’s start by finally dicing the onion and then the coriander ,chives and parsley.

  2. Roughly chop the pistachios.

  3. Add some oil to a pan and sweat off the onions until they’re soft and golden.

  4. Add then go in with the spinach bit by bit.

  5. Season well each time,and let it well down.

  6. Add the spinach and onion mix to the chopped herbs along the flour,turmeric ,cumin ,coriander ,cinnamon ,pistachios ,cranberries and the eggs .Season and mix well.

  7. Traditionally this recipe would use barberries.If you can find them ,then give them a go.

  8. Get the oil and better into a pan,add the mix and flatten it out.

  9. Fry for a few minutes and then place under the grill,just to set the top.

  10. Slide it into a plate.

  11. And serve up with a good dollop of yogurt.

    Watch Youtube Video : Green Herb Frittata

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Written by Muhammad Qasim

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