
How to Make Harissa & Cumin Potatoes with Crispy Chickpeas

Harissa & Cumin Potatoes :

  1. Slice up the onions and add to a pan with plenty of olive oil.

  2. Slice the garlic and get that in too along with the harissa and the cumin and then the tomato concentrate.

  3. Dice  the potatoes, add them to the pan and stir well, and then pour in the stock and season it all up nicely.

  4. Pop the chickpeas onto a roasting tray and coat them generously with olive oil, cumin and sea salt.

  5. And then get that into the oven.

  6. Finely chop the mint and stir it through the vegan yogurt with a pinch of salt.

  7. Take the chickpeas out, by this point they should be golden and crunchy.

  8. Drizzle the vegan yogurt over, top with the crunchy chickpeas and some fresh coriander if you like it.

  9. Add a good drizzle of olive oil.

  10. Enjoy !

    Watch Youtube Video :Harissa & Cumin Potatoes with Crispy Chickpeas

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Written by Muhammad Qasim

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