
How to Make Harissa Lamb Sausage Rolls

Harissa Lamb Sausage Rolls

  1. Start by thinly slicing a couple of red onions, then gently fry them off in olive oil until they’re totally soft and caramelized.

  2. Chop a bunch of parsley.

  3. Add the lamb mince to a bowl then add your cooled onions, parsley, cinnamon, rose harissa paste, an egg, a load of crumbled feta a good pinch of salt then give it a mix.

  4. Unroll your puff pastry, then arrange your filling the whole way down the length.

  5. Brush the edges with egg wash, then roll your sausage over.

  6. Brush the surface with egg wash, cut your sausage roll into length then brush with more egg wash and sprinkle with sesame seeds.

  7. Space them out on a lined baking tray, then bake until they’re golden and crispy.

    Watch Youtube Video : Harissa Lamb Sausage Rolls

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Written by Muhammad Qasim

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