
How to Make Herby Mushroom stroganoff

Herby Mushroom stroganoff:

  1. The first thing you want to cook is the mushrooms.

  2. Sear them on a really high heat so you get a good caramelized flavor.

  3. Gently fry an onion in the same pan until it is totally soft and golden.

  4. Add thyme leaves and garlic before getting some flour and paprika in there.

  5. Stir in your stock to get it lovely and saucy.

  6. To make a speedy cashew cream add boiled cashews to a blender with water and blitz to a creamy consistency.

  7. Get this in the pan along with your mushrooms.

  8. Add Dijon mustard, Henderson’s Relish parsley and seasoning. This is seriously comforting stuff.

Watch Youtube Video : Herby Mushroom stroganoff

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Written by Muhammad Qasim

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