
How to Make Irish Lamb Stew Recipe.

Irish Lamb Stew:

  1. Cut the lamb into chunks, thickly slice the onions into rounds, then peel and slice 2 potatoes.

  2. Fry off the lamb until browned in an oven-safe pan set, and do the same with onions.

  3. Layer the thi potatoes in the bottom of the pan, followed by the onions and lamb. Fill up with water so the lamb is just covered.

  4. Bring to a simmer, add salt, stock, thyme and bay lid in place into the oven at 160 C for minutes.

  5. When the time’s up, break up the cooked potatoes. Add the carrots and large potatoes and cook for another 30 minutes.

  6. Serve with some soda bread!

    Watch Youtube Video : Irish Lamb Stew

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Written by Muhammad Qasim

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