
How to Make Jordan Summer Salad

Jordan Summer Salad:

  1. Start by slicing your onions thirsty and then to a pan  with plenty of olive oil,the peeled garlic and place over a low heat.

  2. Grate your courgette into a bowl and mix it with a good pinch of salt.

  3. Halve the baby gem and add it to a big bowl.

  4. Quarter the artichokes and add them to the same bowl with the baby gem lettuce.

  5. Tear up your pitta bread.Get some oil and butter hot.

  6. Add the pitta,toast it till golden brown,and then stir in your chili flakes and your sumac.

  7. Fry your peas then your courgettes over a high heat with a splash of oil.

  8. Once the onions have cooled down, mix them with the labneh.Labneh is a strained yogurt.

  9. Swipe right to see how easy it is to make it.

  10. Add the courgette,peas and onion and labneh mix to the bowl with the baby gem lettuce and artichokes and mix well.

  11. Add a big squeeze of lemon juice,the mint and the toasted pitta and stir again.

  12. This one’s a percy .Make it ,Enjoy it !

    Watch Youtube Video : Jordan Summer Salad

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Written by Muhammad Qasim

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