
How to Make Minestrone Soup With Orzo

Minestrone Soup With Orzo

  1. So start by dicing the onion and the carrot and the celery and sweat them off in plenty of olive oil with a nice big pinch of salt.

  2. Let them all cook down together.

  3. Until they become nice and soft and fragrant.

  4. Add the garlic, the rosemary ,the tomato paste and pour in the vegetable stock and give it a good stir.

  5. In another pan cook the orzo until it’s very al dente in boiling water. 

  6. Drain and add to the pan.

  7. Cook it for a couple more minutes.

  8. Ladle the soup into bowls ,top it with chopped parsley and a little bit of parmesan if you like.
    Watch Youtue Video:Minestrone Soup With Orzo

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Written by Muhammad Qasim

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