
How to Make Miso And Tahini Udon

Miso And Tahini Udon :

  1. First chop up your spring onions and your mushrooms.

  2. Then cook your spring onions in a hot pan until they’re slightly charred.

  3. Set a side and then add your mushrooms with a pinch of salt and cook until very crispy.

  4. Separate egg yolks and your egg whites.

  5. To your egg yolks add some miso paste, tahini, chilli flakes, ginger parmesan and black pepper.

  6. Mix them together and add some soy sauce.

  7. Cook your udon in some boiling water and add some of that water into the egg yolks.

  8. Add your cooked udon into your mushrooms with your spring onions and your egg mixture.

  9. Mix the well on a really low heat until it’s rich and creamy.

  10. Serve up your udon with some more parmesan and tuck in.

    Watch Youtube Video : Miso And Tahini Udon

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Written by Muhammad Qasim

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