
How to Make Miso Soba Noodle Soup

Miso Soba Noodle Soup.

  1. First off grab as many mixed mushrooms as you can and fry them off in a pan with some salt and cumin seeds.

  2. Once they are really crispy add in some soy sauce.

  3. Get some ginger and garlic and bash it up in a pestle and mortar.

  4. They fry this off in a pan until it smells fragrant.

  5. Add in some water and some miso paste,and then whisk until smooth.

  6. Then add in your remaining water some honey,and bring to a bubble.

  7. Chop up your tofu into bite – size pieces,then add this into your soup along with the spinach.

  8. Cook your soba in boiling water for a few minutes,then drain into a colander and shock with some cold water,this helps keep their texture in the soup,so they don’t disintegrate.

  9. Add your noodles into the soup and mix well.

  10. Top with your crispy mushrooms.

  11. Some sesame oil,and some sesame seeds.

    Watch Youtube Video:Miso Soba Noodle Soup

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Written by Muhammad Qasim

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