
How to Make Pasta Frittata Recipe.

Pasta Frittata Recipe:

  1. So get that into some boiling salted water and then fry off the pancetta on a pan.

  2. Season the eggs well, and add the cheese and mix that together.

  3. Drain the pasta and pancetta and eggs to the bowl and then tear in the mozzarella.

  4. Give that all a really good mix and then pour it into a frying pan and flatten it down. Once it’s cooked, flip it over and slide it back into the pan to cook the other side.

  5. I like to eat this with a simple salad of crunchy leaves and tomatoes, with lots of lemon and salt.

  6. So mix that up and set it aside.

  7. Once the frittatas are cooked on both sides, flip them out of the pan.

  8. Cut a nice big slice. And swerve it up with the salad.

  9. Enjoy

    Watch Youtube Video : Pasta Frittata Recipe

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Written by Muhammad Qasim

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