
How to Make Roasted Cauliflower and Green Tahini salad.

  1. Cut two heads of cauliflower into large wedges and finely chop the leaves.

  2. Place your cauliflower wedges on a lightly oiled baking tray then tip in your drained chickpeas.

  3. Sprinkle it with cumin, smoked paprika and salt and give it all a good rub in.

  4. Finely chop a bunch of parsley and halve a lemon.

  5. Put your parsley into a blender, along with your tahini and lemon juice.

  6. Add a splash of water and some olive oil then blitz until you have a silky smooth green sauce.

  7. Add some honey and salt, and blitz again till smooth.

  8. Get your cauliflower out and flip it over, add your cauliflower leaves then roast again for 15 minutes.

  9. Add your cooked puy lentils to a  bowl and then tip in your chickpeas and cauliflower leaves.

  10. Add salt, olive oil and pomegranate seed, then give it a good toss.

  11. Pour the mixture into a serving bowl and average your cauliflower wedges on top.

  12. Drizzle with your green tahini dressing and a few more pomegranate seeds.

  13. Serve up and Enjoy!

    Watch Youtube Video : Roasted Cauliflower and Green Tahini salad

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Written by Muhammad Qasim

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