
How to Make Scotch Bonnet Coconut & Crispy Tofu Noodles

Scotch Bonnet Coconut & Crispy Tofu Noodles:

  1. All the flavor comes from the scotch bonnet.It is so powerful, you only need one.

  2. Fry off your blended anomalies until super fragrant and darkened, and then add in your tomato puree.Until it turns a drinkly brown

  3. You want to use a really high quality coconut milk here, it makes the whole soup so creamy and luxurious.

  4. Season with salt and then mix this until it’s silky and smooth.

  5. Now for the tofu, press out all the water this makes the tofu crispier.

  6. When you ‘re frying it.

  7. Then coat in cornflour, oat milk, and then desiccated coconut, when you fry this the coconut’s going to get all toasty and it’s going to get all toasty and it’s going to smell so amazing, perfect crispy tofu.

  8. Pile up some cooked ramen in a bowl then pour over your silky soup.

  9. Then add some pak choi, and then your crispy tofu.

  10. Finish with some coriander and desiccated coconut and enjoy.

    Watch Youtube Video: Scotch Bonnet Coconut & Crispy Tofu Noodles

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Written by Muhammad Qasim

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