
How to Make Sticky Orange Chicken Traybake

Sticky Orange Chicken Traybake:

  1. Get your onion glasses on and slice up some onions and then finally chop some chillies.

  2. Then into a big bowl squeeze and zest some oranges.

  3. Then you ‘re gonna add some fish sauce, apple cider vinegar, soy sauce ,peanut butter ,brown sugar, ground cumin and some grated garlic and ginger.

  4. Add some sliced onions ,chillies  and your chicken tights into the bowl and give it a good mix.

  5. Pour this whole thing into your baking tray with some sliced oranges and then pop it in the oven until it’s crispy and jammy.

  6. Grab your toasted peanuts and finely chop them.

  7. Then finely sliced your red chilli and some coriander.

  8. And then just sprinkle all of this over your chicken.

  9. Scoop up the chicken onto your bed of rice.

  10. Drizzle on loads of that delicious sauce.

  11. And serve it with some greens because they ‘re good for you.

  12. And what’s great about this recipe.

  13. Is that once you buy your staple sauce.

  14. It’s so easy and cheap to make.

    Watch Youtube Video:Sticky Orange Chicken Traybake

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Written by Muhammad Qasim

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