
How to Make Sticky Sichuan Aubergine.

Sticky Sichuan Aubergine:

  1. Lets get into ot piece your aubergines and rub them with oil. Then pop them in the oven and roast them until they’re nice and soft. Meanwhilt mince our garlic and ginger and toast the sichuan peppercorns. Grid them up into a powder.

  2. Then add them to a pan with the garlic and ginger as well as some garlic chilli sauce or sriracha, sugar, soy sauce and water.

  3. For the second sauce, your wanna combine some tahini with some toasted sesame oil. Then you wanna add water which it really, really well until it gets nice and creamy,

  4. Back to the first sauce, combine corn flour with water and add it to the sauce until it gets nice and thick.

  5. Take the aucergines out of the oven and pop them into the sauce. To serve this up get the tahini sauce on the bottom and pop the aubergines on top.

  6. Split them open add some extra sauce and finish it allwith some crispy peanuts and spring onions.

Watch Youtube Video: Sticky Sichuan Aubergine.

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Written by Muhammad Qasim

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