
How to Make Teriyaki Aubergine.

Teriyaki Aubergine:

  1. I kick off by roasting chunky discs of aubergine in plenty of olive oil until they’re totally squishy. Teriyaki is the umami sticky sauce that’s gonna have you licking the plate.

  2. Just simmer sugar, soy sauce, rice vinegar, water, and ginger, then thicken it with cornflour till it’s really shiny. Whipping tofu is a revelation. I use smoked here for smokiness. This then whizzes it up with miso paste, olive oil, and water to make the creamy base of the dish. Togarashi is a delicious Japanese spice mix I’ve made a really simplified version by mixing whizzed-up nori with chili powder and sesame seeds.

  3. Char some spring onions and your prep is done swoosh that tofu on the base of the plate.

  4. Top it with your aubergines your sticky teriyaki sauce your charred spring onions, and a good sprinkle of that togarashi, Enjoy!

    Watch Youtube Video:Teriyaki Aubergine

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Written by Muhammad Qasim

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