
How to Make Udon Soup with Turkey Meatball

Udon Soup with Turkey Meatball.


  1. Blend mushroom cilantro , soy sauce ,yuzu juice ,sesame and chilli oil shallot and garlic.

  2. Mix turkey salt ,pepper ,egg ,cilantro mixture and panko.

  3. Fry a lit piece to taste it.

  4. Cook in batches til golden brown (don’t need to be cooked all the way through )

  5. Fry scored trumpet mushroom.

  6. Cook shallot add dashi broth chili oil sesame oil and soy sauce.

  7. Add meatballs and simmer for 20 minutes until cooked through.

  8. Serve over cooked udon with the fried mushrooms cilantro and shichimi – togarashi 

  9. Watch YouTube Video:Udon Soup with Turkey Meatball

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Written by Muhammad Qasim

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