
How to Make Vegan Butternut Squash Mac And Cheese

Vegan Butternut Squash Mac And Cheese:

  1. First ,peel your butternut squash and chop it into chunks.

  2. Then roast those in the oven with some cloves of garlic and some sage and your rosemary.

  3. Get some vegan butter melting in a pan and then toast your herbs.

  4. Then add in your bread crumbs,nutritional yeast and salt and then toast until golden.

  5. Get some more vegan butter in your pan and then add in your smoked paprika.Once it melted and toasty add in your flour and whisk well.

  6. Slowly drizzle in your oat milk,whisking continuously to make a thick sauce.

  7. Add in nutritional yeast mustard and marmite,This will give the vegan cheesy flavor.

  8. Once your squash is melted with some water until smooth.

  9. Add this to your sauce mix well and season.

  10. Get your macaroni cooking in some salted boiling water and when that’s done add this into your sauce.

  11. Plate up your silky smooth butternut vegan mac and cheese.

  12. Top with your crispy herby breadcrumbs and .Enjoy!

    Watch Youtube Video : Vegan Butternut Squash Mac And Cheese

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Written by Muhammad Qasim

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