
Indonesian Steamed Pandan Cupcake

Indonesian Steamed Pandan Cupcake:

  1. Soft 65g all purpose flour, 120g rice flour and ½ cup yeast.

  2. Mix 200ml water, 65g coconut milk and 150g sugar,Heat until sugar has dissolved and keep until warm 40 C.

  3. Mix wet and Dry ingredients and sift to get rid of clumps.Ferment 30 minutes.

  4. Add 1 tsp double acting baking soda and divide into 2.

  5. Add red food coloring into one and pandan extract into the other.

  6. Pour each one (50/50) into small cups and steam for 15 minutes.

  7. Cupcake is ready ! Enjoy

    Watch Youtube Video : Indonesian Steamed Pandan Cupcake

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Written by Muhammad Qasim

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