
Roasted Carrot and Date Salad Recipe.

Roasted Carrot and Date Salad:

  1. So peel and chop the carrots and get them in a roasting tray with the oil and salt, and then into the oven.

  2. Cook the giant couscous in salted water.Meanwhile mix the honey, vinegar and oil together in a bowl.

  3. Pour that over the carrots and then get them back into the oven.

  4. Tear up the dates and remove the stones.

  5. Slice the parsley you’re gonna want to use quite a big bunch for this.

  6. Add everything to a big bowl, along with a good pinch of salt, the chili flakes cumin and a big squeeze of lemon.

  7. Then the carrots go in with a splash of that glace from the pan, and give it all the good mix.

  8. Stir the salt and coriander into the yogurt.

  9. Mix and spread over a big plate.

  10. Spoon over the carrot and couscous, and finish with a good drizzle of olive oil.

    Watch Youtube Video : Roasted Carrot and Date Salad

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Written by Muhammad Qasim

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