
Sambal Smashed Potatoes with Satay Sauce

Sambal Smashed Potatoes:

  1. The key to this is getting your oil really hot before you put your potatoes in.

  2. I smashed mine with a little ramekin.

  3. Get your onion and garlic in the pan with the spices, fry it off, then add your sauces. This is so moreish guys.My mum used to make these all the time for me when i was a kid and I’m still not over it.

  4. Now onto the  sambal.We are making two different pastes here.So, first get your shallots, lemongrass, garlic, ginger in the blender.

  5. Give it a good shake, Then blend your chillies and tomato with oil in the same one.

  6. Fry your garlic paste with a zing of lime juice, bit of sugar for sweetness.Let it sim-simmer then it’s sambal for dinner.

  7. Once your potatoes are nice and golden, get them out of the oven.

  8. Smoosh your satay and plate up those tattoos, topped with a drizzle of sambal.This satay sauce is so nutty and creamy it’s the perfect compliment to my spicy sambal.

    Watch Youtube Video: Sambal Smashed Potatoes

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Written by Muhammad Qasim

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