
sCrispy Mushroom Hoisin Noodle Recipe.

Crispy Mushroom Hoisin Noodles:

  1. Start off by shredding up your oyster mushrooms.

  2. Coat them in some corn flour salt and five-spice and then get some oil ready for frying.

  3. Deep fry all of these until very golden brown and crispy and just please try to save a few for your final dish, I know they’re so addictive.

  4. Then chop up your ginger garlic, chili and spring onion. For your sauce, you’re gonna combine say sauce, sesame oil, tahini and hoisin sauce. The tahini balances out all the sweet flavors and it works so well.

  5. Add in your ginger, garlic spring onions, and then toss this until it’s fragrant.

  6. Add in some sugar snap peas and cooked noodles.

  7. Finally add in your sauce and mix this all together so the noodles are evenly coated.

  8. Plate up your noodles in a bowl, your crispy mushrooms and some more spring onions.

    Watch Youtube Video: Crispy Mushroom Hoisin Noodle

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Written by Muhammad Qasim

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