
Strawberry Pletzel Salad Recipe.

Strawberry Pletzel Salad:

  1. Cover sliced strawberries with sugar and set aside.

  2. Dissolve strawberry jello in boiling water. Pour over the strawberries. Refrigerate for 1.5 hours to partially set up.

  3. Crust the pretzels. Combine with sugar and melted butter.

  4. Pour pretzels into a greased pan. Bake at 350 for 10 minutes.

  5. Combine cool whip. Neufchatel cheese( or cream chees) and sugar in a bowl. Mix till smooth.

  6. Pour over the cooled crust and pour the partially set up jello strawberries on top. Refrigerate for 4-6 hours.

  7. Slice it up! Served with whipped cream and more crushed pretzels.

    Watch Youtube Video: Strawberry Pletzel Salad

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Written by Muhammad Qasim

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