
Vegan Pea And Potato Risotto.

Pea And Potato Risotto:

  1. Saute onion for 5 minutes. Add diced yukon gold potatoes.Cook until potatoes just begin to soften, add salt and pepper.

  2. #add carnaroli rice cook 1-2 minutes.

  3. Begin adding stock or water in 1 cup increments stirring after each addition and adding move once the liquid has been absorbed.

  4. Keep adding liquid in 1 cup increments until all liquid as been absorbed you will use 5-6 cups total. It will take 18-25 minutes for the rice to become tender.Season to taste.

  5. Add fresh or frozen peas and freshly chopped dill. Cook for 3-5 minutes more.

  6. Serve it up with more fresh dill on top and a drizzle of extra virgin olice oil, if you like.

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Written by Muhammad Qasim

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