
How to Make Crushed Oreo Brownies.


  1. Add the white and brown sugar over the melted butter.Mix thill you get a creamy composition.
  2.  Vanilla essence / extract 3 eggs .
  3. Add the flour with a pinch of salt and mix.
  4. Add the chocolate that a cut in different sizes and mix it in the fridge for 30 minutes.
  5. In another bowl 4 eggs and white + brown sugar.Mix them very well using electric mixer.
  6. Over hot melted butter add your chocolate to melt.
  7. Add the melted chocolate over the brownie mixture along with vanilla extract.
  8. Add it a mix , add the flour and cocoa powder and mix again.
  9. In a pan 25 * 20 CM spread your cookie layer that should be cold and add oreos on top.
  10. Top it with the brownie layer.Bake at 180  celsius for around 20 minutes fan off
  11. Is ugly when it gets out of the oven let it cool down COMPLETLY ,before cutting into it.
  12. In the fridge overnight is the best way to go.

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Written by Muhammad Qasim

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