
How to Make Tuscan Chicken Risotto.

Tuscan Chicken Risotto:

  1. Butterfly your chicken breasts by gently cutting down the side.

  2. Lie both breasts flat on a chopping board and divide the seasonings and a good pinch of salt between both and on each side.

  3. Finely dice an onion and halve the tomatoes.

  4. Fry the chicken on a medium heat on both sides until it is browned and cooked through a set side.

  5. In the same pan, fry off the onions till softened then add the tomatoes.When the tomatoes have softened add the rice and coat it in flavor.

  6. Gradually add the stock just covering the rice then continuously stir on a medium heat.

  7. When the rice has absorbed all of the stock, place the spinach on top and put the lid on.

  8. After a couple of minutes the spinach should have wilted, meaning you can stir it through with the cream and some black pepper, place the chicken on top and put the lid on.

    Watch Youtube Video:Tuscan Chicken Risotto

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Written by Muhammad Qasim

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