
Homemade Teriyaki Sauce Recipe

Homemade Teriyaki Sauce Recipe
Homemade Teriyaki Sauce Recipe

Homemade teriyaki sauce recipe Teriyaki sauce is famous throughout the world because of its unique flavor and taste. The word teriyaki is used for both Japanese cooking techniques and for the sauce itself. It is basically made up of soy sauce, garlic and brown sugar which are its major constituents. Teriyaki sauce is dark brownish due to soy sauce added. It can be bought from different types of restaurants and can also be made at home. Gluten-free sauce is also available. The taste of the sauce is not salty. This sauce is sweet and tangy in taste and feels thick and sticky. People usually make this sauce at home and enjoy it with different kinds of snacks or to add a little flavor to their daily food.

Now we will discuss how to make this sauce at home .

Homemade Teriyaki Sauce Recipe
Homemade Teriyaki Sauce Recipe


Water, 4 garlic cloves, tsp ginger, pineapple juice, fresh slices, Cornstarch, cider vinegar, honey and soy sauce. 


  • Step 1 

Combine water, ginger garlic, honey, soy sauce, honey, sugar and garlic in a saucepan then cook it on medium heat. Stir it for about 1 to 2 minutes. 

  • Step 2 

Then take cornstarch and ¼ cold water in a separate cup stir until it is properly dissolved. Add to the saucepan. Cook and stir for 5 to 7 minutes until it becomes thick.

Hence it’s very easy to make at home. The entire procedure will hardly take you 10 minutes to make the sauce and serve it with fish or rice.

Many people consider this sauce similar to soya sauce but actually it’s not the same. It uses soya sauce as a basic ingredient but also utilizes ingredients other than soya sauce. Moreover, soya sauce is salty while teriyaki sauce has a sweet taste.


16 grams of carbohydrates, 6 grams of protein, 0 grams of fat, sodium, potassium, dietary fiber, vitamin C, iron, vitamin B6, vitamin D, calcium and magnesium. 


The major positive point of this sauce is that it has negligible amounts of fat per serving. It consists of protein, vitamins and minerals that are good for the persons’ health. It can also provide protection from cancer, it acts as an antioxidant, it may improve digestion, it also supports the immune system and also promotes a healthy weight, sometimes also used to reduce weight.


The major risk of using teriyaki sauce is that it’s high in sodium and this high amount of sodium then leads to different kinds of problems such as chronic heart diseases and brain stroke, so it should be used in small amounts and should be used under proper guidance of the doctor. Moreover, it consists of high amounts of soy sauce which may cause headache, sweating, dizziness, itching, rashes, stomach issues and changes in the blood pressure.


This sauce can be considered safe overall but like any other food excess of this sauce consumption can cause different types of problems, so this sauce should be used in proper limits and if you are consuming it for a long time period then you should, must get your blood tests to check that no abnormality has occurred.

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Written by CUBI Foodie

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