
Best Pull Apart Bread Recipe.

Pull Apart Bread Recipe:

  1. In a kneading bowl, add 30g bread flour, 60g sugar 8g instant yeast, 18g milk powder, 120g milk and 1 egg + 2egg yolks.

  2. Knead until combined then add 50g butter and 1tsp salt knead for 20 minutes or until passing the window pane test.

  3. Rest for 20 minutes then divide the dough into 10*40g and 10*24g balls.Rest again for 10 minutes.

  4. Take a 40g ball, flatten it and fold lengthwise( like a taco) same for the 24g balls. $0g balls go to 20*10*5cm lined load pan 24g balls into 15*8-5cm.

  5. Let it proof for 45-60 minutes, milkwash them, and bake for 170C 12-15 minutes.

  6. Give it a brush of butter and enjoy.

    Watch Youtube Video : Pull Apart Bread Recipe

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Written by Muhammad Qasim

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