
Oreo Cupcakes with Buttercream.

Oreo Cupcakes with Buttercream:

  1. Add butter oil sugar baking, baking powder, salt mix together.

  2. Add egg and vanilla, Mix together.

  3. Slowly add flour and buttermilk.

  4. Add cookie crumbs.

  5. Place one oreo at the bottom of each cupcake lines scoop cupcake butter on top.

  6. Bake at 350F for 25 min.

  7. Make the buttercream combine egg whites and sugar whisk over a double boiler. Mix utnil frothy and sugar is dissolved 5min and 160F.

  8. Whisk at medium high speed. Beat until glossy stiff peaks form 10min use paddle attachment on low speed.

  9. Add cool butter 1 tbsp at a time Mix 20min until transformation from curdled to smooth buttercream.

  10. Add vanilla, salt and cookie crumbs.Buttercream should be thick creamy and smooth.

  11. Pipe icing 

  12. Top with cookie crumbs and oreo half. Enjoy!

    Watch Youtube Video : Oreo Cupcakes with Buttercream

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Written by Muhammad Qasim

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