
Chipotle Burger With Shoestring Fries.

Chipotle Burger With Shoestring Fries:

  1. Finely slic or mandolin your potatoes are sliced chop into then matchsticks. And place into cold water agitate the sticks to remove the starch, then drain lay out a clean tea towel evenly spread over the potatoes and press to remove the water and set aside to allow to dry.

  2. Cut the seeds out of the avocado, scoop the flesh into a bowl and mash with lemon juice then set aside.

  3. Finely chop the coriander, dessert and finely dice an onion and mix the whole lot with the avocado.

  4. In a ramekin mix the chipotle chili paste with agave till runny.

  5. Heat up oil in a shallow pan, then sprinkle fries in batches till crisp and golden remove drain and sprinkle with tagin and a little more salt.

  6. Heat another frying pan, and place in the burgers and place in the burgers look on both sides till brown then turn the heat down and brush on the chipotle sauce.

    Watch Youtube Video: Chipotle Burger With Shoestring Fries

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Written by Muhammad Qasim

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