
Crispy Chorizo Loaded Potatoes Recipe.

Crispy Chorizo Loaded Potatoes:

  1. Get a pan of oil in the oven to heat up, then dice up your potatoes.

  2. Tip them into the hot oil, then get them in the oven for 45 minutes.

  3. Wrap a bulb of garlic in baking parchment and get that on a lower shelf in the oven to cook too.

  4. Chop two red chillies, two spring onions and two cloves of garlic. Tip all of these into a food processor, along with some smoked paprika, tomato puree, olive oil and salt.

  5. Whiz until you have a lovely, vibrant red paste.

  6. Heat a little oil in a frying pan then crucumble in your chorizo. Cook until it’s lovely and crilspy.

  7. Lift it all out with a slotted spoon, then pour in your vegetable paste.

  8. Add your flour, cook for a minute then gradually pour in your stock.

  9. Add passata and salt and simmer until it’s lovely and thick squeeze out all the lovely caramelised.

  10. Pulp get your mayo in a bowl, then add the garlic pulp and mix until it’s combined.

  11. Get your potatoes on a plate top with your bravas sauce cheat’s aioli and crispy chorizo bits. Sprinkle with parsley and enjoy.

    Watch Youtube Video: Crispy Chorizo Loaded Potatoes

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Written by Muhammad Qasim

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