
Salmon Avocado Salad.

Salmon Avocado Salad:

Wash the sushi rice with cold water.
Cook the sushi rice for 15 minutes.
Scoop out the flesh of the avocado with a spoon.
Heat the sushi vinegar in a pan. Add water caster sugar and salt. Heat until the sugar has dissolved.
Add the vinegar/sugar mixture to the sushi rice let sushi rice cool for 10 minutes with lid on the pan.
Boil the edamame beans for 5 minutes.
Cut the cucumber into cubes.
Cut the spring onion into rings.
Cut the mango into cubes.
Cut the salmon fillet into cubes.
Marinate the salmon with soy sauce, sake sesame oil and sesame seeds.
Fry the lotus root until golden brown (10 minutes).
Fill the bowl with all the ingredients to your taste.

Watch Youtube Video: Salmond Avocado Salad

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Written by Muhammad Qasim

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