
How to Make Za’atar Aubergine & Bulgur Wheat

Za’atar Aubergine & Bulgur Wheat:

  1. These are baked with za’atar giving them a lovely, crispy crunchy and they’re piled on top of a spicy bulgur wheat salad.

  2. Pop this in the oven with some cherry tomatoes and a bulb of garlic.

  3. Wash your bulgur wheat and then cook this in some boiling water.

  4. Whilst that’s cooking, chop up your spring onions, red onion and red chili.

  5. For your dressing whisk together tomato puree, lemon juice, your roasted garlic, salt, pepper, ground cumin and your veggies.

  6. Then add in your cold bulgur wheat and give it a good mix.

  7. Then add some parsley and this is basically done.

  8. Slice up that juicy aubergine and pile up your bulgur wheat onto a plate.

  9. Arrange your aubergine on top with the cherry tomatoes and then drizzle over some coconut yogurt.

  10. Enjoy !  

    Watch Youtube Video : Za’atar Aubergine & Bulgur Wheat

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Written by Muhammad Qasim

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